Groundwork Blog

Joanna Macy’s Wild Love For The World

Listen Now In several conversations recently, this interview has come up as a foundational piece of inspiration for activists, educators,. So this month, we’re featuring Joanna Macy’s first appearance on the On Being podcast: “A Wild Love For The World“. Joanna Macy has lived a varied life: she is a translator of the poet Rainer Maria Rilke, worked for the CIA and the Peace Corps, worked alongside the Dalai Lama when he was first exiled to India, and was a foundational force for the environmental […]

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The Winnowing Tray: Groundwork’s New Quarterly Publication

Groundwork began in 2019 as a collection of Bite-Sized Books that had the goal of contributing to more expansive, holistic, and creative conversations about addressing environmental issues. With encouragement from friends, I (Jeff) am returning to writing and publishing on a regular basis. In the next few weeks, watch for the first release of The Winnowing Tray. You may ask, what’s a winnowing tray? It’s a type of flattish basket used all around the world to winnow seeds, separating the viable seeds from chaff, dust, […]

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Bekana Mustard

This month, we bring you the story of a mustard defying the odds: Bekana mustard! This mustard has everything. Fast-growing. Beautiful. Mild flavor to eat raw in salads. Crunchy stems to cook like bok choi. What could go wrong with this plant? Truelove Seeds describes the history of these seeds: “Japanese soldiers returned home with Chinese cabbage seeds after the Russo-Japanese war in the turn of the 20th Century. Bekana (often called Tokyo Bekana) is believed to be a selection from these early Chinese cabbages, […]

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Lithium Lands Fellowship Final Report

In spring of 2023, Groundwork sponsored the Lithium Lands Fellowship, a month-long immersion field study to document the flora within Jindalee Resources of Australia’s proposed McDermitt Lithium Project site, with a focus on culturally important plants (CIP). CIP are plants traditionally used for food and crafts by Indigenous people. The relative density of these plants in a landscape often point towards ancestral human kinship, as well as current use and significance for local tribes. The fellowship project was motivated by threats to the site from […]

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Papalote Ranch Cushaw Squash

One of the most exciting and inspiring parts of being a seed grower is the understanding that our food and seed crops aren’t static relics of the past, and instead, living ecosystems that are constantly evolving and adapting to place. Therefore, the work of the seed grower isn’t only the maintenance of varieties from our past but as a co-evolutionary partner in the varieties of the future. For the past summers on our educational farm in Paonia, Colorado, we have been plagued by infestations of […]

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Christiana Figueres On Ecological Hope

This new section of our newsletter (and blog!) will include the books, podcasts, and people that keep us inspired to continue our environmental work in the face of all the challenges facing our world. We see burnout, overwhelm, and hopelessness as some of the largest obstacles to climate and ecological action, so this is where we share tools to maintain a sense of stability in rough seas. Hooray! This month: an incredible interview with Christiana Figueres, one of the guiding figures for the UN’s work […]

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Galina Siberian Tomato

These seeds defied USSR government control to travel to the United States in the late 1980’s! One of our seed steward mentors, Bill McDorman, was visiting an agricultural research station in Siberia on a trip to find seeds that might grow well in the harsh conditions mountain west. He asked whether he could take samples of the seeds back to the US to grow and distribute, but the research director told him he would need permission from the Kremlin. As he was leaving, one of […]

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Painted Mountain Corn

The beautiful Painted Mountain corn is a metaphor for our times, blending together different seeds to create something new and beautiful. Painted Mountain was bred by Dave Christensen in Montana over 20 years ago. He crossed a huge variety of native corns together, selecting traits that led to a short season, drought-tolerant and cold-tolerant corn variety. Typically, when heritage varieties of corn leave indigenous hands, the variety is re-named something generic, severing the ties between the seeds and their cultural stories and histories. All corn […]

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Our Parallel Journey With Plants

My family and I have now been in the United States for exactly two weeks. It took nearly all that time to completely get over jet lag. Some say it takes the body one day for every hour traveled to fully recover. I believe it. The past 14 days have felt like swimming through delirious dreams, like awkwardly waltzing within bardos. But today, for the first time since landing in Los Angeles, I feel finally as though I am fully here. Mind, body and spirit […]

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Introduction: Mia Borger

I applied to this fellowship because… I was desperate for a change. Prior to this experience I was living in ways that didn’t align with my vision of the future. It was unsustainable, so finding a program that explored ways of living firmly based on the land seemed like the opportunity I was waiting for. I have wanted to learn ways of being that are based on harmony and reverence for the place we call home. To get a chance to do exactly that while […]

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