Recommended Podcasts

This Is Your Brain On GPS

Groundwork has always focused on the relationship between culture and environment. This newsletter, we offer you an episode of one of our favorite podcasts: Outside/In from New Hampshire Public Radio. The episode focuses on what happens when you take a species (that’s us) that has a keen sense of direction and sense of place, and replace nearly all their navigation through the world with GPS in the span of just a few years. As you might suspect, our relationship with the world, both built and […]

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Jason Hickel on Degrowth & Good Lives For All

Throughout the Groundwork food systems fellowship, we meet for weekly seminars on alternatives to the mainstream culture that relies on destruction to produce economic growth. We study the cultural, political, and economic movements that are imagining and trying to bring into reality a more livable future. Degrowth is one of our favorite movements. As a movement, degrowth is based primarily in the global north, focusing on how the wealthy societies of the world can craft a path forward that focuses on real measures of well-being […]

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