Frame Basket: November 16th in Ridgway, CO


Date: November 16th, 2024, 9:30am – 3:30pm

Instructor: Jenna Bradford

Location: Dragonfly Creative, Ridgway, Colorado (see map)

Level: Beginner/Intermediate (No experience necessary, but great for those who have already begun learning basketry!)

Join us for this unique style of basket weaving! This class covers a foundational style of European willow weaving. You’ll learn to weave a frame basket using a simple weaving technique. You will create a frame (simple structure) that will provide a form for weaving. Whether or not you have woven a basket before, this class has something to offer everyone! At the end of the class, you’ll have the skills to weave your own baskets and begin to explore more advanced willow weaving techniques.
Skills: Willow harvesting and tending, preparing willow for weaving, creating a frame, “god’s eye”, and a simple weave.

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Date: November 16th, 2024, 9:30am – 3:30pm

Instructor: Jenna Bradford

Location: Dragonfly Creative, Ridgway, Colorado (see map)

Level: Beginner/Intermediate (No experience necessary, but great for those who have already begun learning basketry!)

Join us for this unique style of basket weaving! This class covers a foundational style of European willow weaving. You’ll learn to weave a frame basket using a simple weaving technique. You will create a frame (simple structure) that will provide a form for weaving. Whether or not you have woven a basket before, this class has something to offer everyone! At the end of the class, you’ll have the skills to weave your own baskets and begin to explore more advanced willow weaving techniques.
Skills: Willow harvesting and tending, preparing willow for weaving, creating a frame, “god’s eye”, and a simple weave.

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frame basket image:

Additional information

Sliding Scale

$150, $160, $170, $180, $190, $200, $210, $220, $230, $240, $250